Management has a good environmental management policy. The company is committed to ensure clean and healthy environment, especially in the course of its operations. Every effort will be concentrated towards minimizing environment hazards free environment.
We shall ensure that;
(a) Before actual work is carried out, critical review of the environmental impact of any operation would be carried out to put the right control and recovery measure in place.
(b) Waste generation is minimized and waste in identified in accordance to their nature and degree of harm to the environment using client’s approved waste disposal method.
(c) Wastes are segregated at source and dump in the appropriate bin with the standard specified codes.
(d) Any materials having dangerous environmental consequences should be eliminated where practicable or substituted.
(e) There must be compliance to all environmental protection regulations.
(f) Employees and inhabitants of our immediate operational environment are educated on the potential hazards associated with the job so that the risk can be minimized and the working environment preserve.
(g) Any sort of spill are prevented to avoid degradation to the environment were operations are going on.
(h) All environmental incident/accident should be reported for further investigation, correction and improvement. In our areas of operation, we shall promote regular environmental assessment by environmental quality control consultants.